The Great Disconnect

Whoever touches a dead person, the body of anyone who has died, and does not cleanse himself, defiles the tabernacle of the Lord, and that person shall be cut off from Israel; because the water for impurity was not thrown on him, he shall be unclean. His uncleanness is still on him.
Numbers 19:13
Death was the byproduct of sin. When sin entered into the world death entered as well as the aftermath. Death is the disconnection from God. It is not until Jesus conquered the power of death over us that this disconnection was reconnected. So God being holy must maintain His character. The tabernacle was God returning to dwell in the midst of men. But the disconnection had not been bridged yet. Thus God required that man, who defiled himself, purify himself prior to coming close to God. This idea of being made unclean by death for literal and figurative purposes served to remind God’s people of this very real divide that had to be bridged, and in order to do this a cost must be paid. The sacrifice for purification was needed to temporarily cleanse man. But we look back on this and see it from the point of the cross. We see that this sacrifice was paid once and for all, and that we who accept this sacrifice are eternally covered by it. But like the one who chose not to cleanse himself with the sacrifice of purification the same applies to us on the future side of the cross. We can still choose not accept or partake in that sacrifice.
To me this passage begs the question; do I live a life that partakes in the sacrifice of purification? Jesus died to be the final sacrifice, and he rose from the dead breaking the power of death over us that had kept us divided from God. I know, love, and believe in Jesus, but I have a hard time accepting the finality of his sacrifice. I always fall back into a pattern of thinking that I need to do something to come to God. That way of thinking is flawed, divisive, and in all honesty I believe sinful. There are many things in my life that I need to change, but the most important is my failure to place my full trust in the hands of God.
Lord, cause me to let go and place my trust in you. Take what I know and help me make it what I live. Amen…