Even Ray Charles Could See that We’re Blind

“And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
Matthew 9:35-38
Here we get a chance to watch Jesus the king in action. He is going through the various cities and villages proclaiming the gospel of His Kingdom, and as a result He spreads His kingdom rule everywhere He goes. The bible tells us that in the Kingdom of God there will be no more sickness and affliction; and Jesus gives those who were present a glimpse of the Kingdom. A good king looks upon his people and wants to protect them; he wants what is best for them. That is why when Jesus looks at the people he feels compassion for them because those who are supposed to be taking care of them are not doing so, instead of what’s best these people have been exploited and burdened beyond what they can handle.
Jesus looks at these lost people and sees what could be, not the what is. He looks at these lost people and sees there potential not their shortcomings. The harvest is plentiful but there are not enough people willing to look at the harvest and see the potential.
During the harvest season you only have a short time to get the job done. If you fail to gather the harvest in a timely fashion it will spoil and what ever profit you could have gained spoils right along with it. When you have a large harvest the answer is not more time to get the job done the answer is more hands. Many hands make for a light load.
When praying we need to pray for the right things. We need to be able to look at a situation and discern what the real need is.
I think far to often I get caught up asking God for the wrong things. For example this semester has been hard on many of us, I have prayed for God to lighten my load in order to help get through it. But the real need for me is better discipline in my study habits, and in my time management. I spent a lot of time praying for the wrong things because I failed to discern the real need. I think this is what Jesus was saying to His disciples. Jesus saw that the harvest was big, but more time to stop and minister was not the solution. The solution was more people to stop and minister. Jesus spent His ministry trying to replicate himself rather than trying to garner more time. Are my energies being spent in the real need? Is the question that I need to ask myself on a daily basis, because time is honestly the one thing that none of us can get more of.
Lord, please give me the discernment to see the real needs in this world, and in my life. Give me the wisdom to see things the way you do. Give me the ability to build teams and the patience to see others released into ministry instead of asking you for more time to do it myself. Lord, forgive me for my selfish ways of doing ministry, my selfish ways of living, and my selfish ways of serving You. Amen…
Sanctifying Statement:
Discern the real need and pray for that!