Freedom Abolitionists and Subjective Slavery

“For since I am free from all I can make myself a slave to all, in order to gain even more people.”
1 Corinthians 9:19
Paul asserts his freedom as the ultimate ability to be subjected by his own doing. Paul is free to do and say as he pleases, but as he puts this idea in context a few verses later he becomes like those whom he is seeking to reach with the gospel. It seems like Paul is saying that if he were giving the gospel as a means to get paid, it would inhibit his ability to actually reach people with it.
This concept conjures up images of congregationally ruled churches. The pastor is not free to do and say as he pleases. He is bound by the fact that he receives a paycheck from this church and they have the power to stop it anytime they want. He is not free, but bound to this certain group of people. By not taking his right to get paid for the gospel, Paul makes sure he avoids this fate. Paul is not scared to offend. He is not scared of rejection by the influencers. He is not trying to win over anyone for monetary purposes. His only subjection is a willing one to further the gospel by gaining more people.
Recently I have seen this play out in dramatic fashion. Choices were made not based upon conviction, but rather they were based on what the employer demanded. Many Pastors seem to have this same dilemma. Now to be sure I am not talking about differences in methodology, I am talking about conveying the gospel which at times can be very convicting and hard to swallow for many Christians who have become more in love with particular systems and traditions than with seeing people molded by the gospel. A lot of pastors are scarred to say what their convictions would lead them to say for fear of the establishment.
I have been in ministry now for just under four years. I have served less than three different youth pastors. I have been subjected to many ministry philosophies. I have served faithfully and diligently, and have never feared speaking my mind when I saw things going wayward from a gospel perspective. But at the same time I have also never feared losing a paycheck because I have never gotten one from ministry. So this idea is somewhat removed from my personal context but nonetheless I have seen its vices grip many co-laborers of the gospel.
Lord, Please help me to be led by the convictions you have given me not by any given by man. Amen…