Go Along With, Move Out the Way, or Get Ran Over

“Therefore if God gave them the same gift as he also gave us after believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I to hinder God?”
—Acts 11:17
Peter was summoned by God to go to Caesarea, give Cornelius the gospel, baptize him, and witness God giving him the Holy Spirit. Peter was truthfully just a vehicle that God used to accomplish what God wanted to accomplish. So after all this Peter heads back to Jerusalem and has to defend what has happened to his fellow apostles. After a whole bunch of bantering back and forth Peter settles the discussion with the above statement, “who was I to hinder God?” The other apostles recognized as Peter had that one cannot stand in the way of God, one can simply go along with, move out the way, or get ran over.
Imagine a world where your vehicle was responsible for making sure that it was running smoothly. If you hopped in the car and it was not running right you could just change vehicles. That is the reality of how God works through us. If we are not willing or able to used by God for what ever reason, we are not stopping him, He will just change whips and go. That is a humbling reality, because it is so easy to get caught up in the hype and to start believing that God’s work depends on us. If we are not willing to go, God will raise up another.
That leads me to ask, “Am I going along with what God is doing?” I honestly and sincerely hope so. I try to live my life in pursuit of God, but I fear that my pursuits will end in vain because when the key turned I didn’t turn over.
I have a lot of flaws and one of those flaws is stubbornness. I am a type A, eyes on the prize, now go get it kind of guy. But my fear is that, although my desire has been to please, serve, pursue, and work with God, my eyes have actually been cast on the wrong target or even worse I have substituted my own target in and not even noticed.
Lord, please help me to see when I am going along with you, or when I need to get out of the way, so that I do not get ran over in life. Also I want to thank you for allowing me to be a part of this grand meta-narrative of redemption. Amen…