Rightly Dividing the Political DIvide

Politics is one of the most divisive topics around church these days. With the elections right around the corner and political rhetoric in air, we have to ask how do I respond as a Christian? The religious right will tell you that being a Christian and voting republican is one and the same. Barack Obama supporters continue you to chant "Yes we can!" The political fervor is at an all time high.
Lets move past the name calling and the distorted facts that are being distributed. As a Christian does it matter who you vote for? If you look at the facts about both candidates, you see admiral ambitions and negative things they stand for. No candidate is going to be perfect and no candidate can meet the values of every voter. My advice to voters would be to honestly, objectively, and sincerely research what each candidate stands for, and then vote based upon your personal convictions for the candidate that represents your values.
The bible tells us that God is the one who puts leaders into power and causes empires to rise and fall according to Romans 13:1 "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." Now I am not saying that one should not vote because God uses different means to accomplish His will. But whether you vote democrat or republican God is sovereign, God is the one who establishes the presidency of this country.
Instead of allowing yourself to get caught up in all the commotion that surrounds politics, trust that God is sovereign and relax a little. Jesus tells us in the gospel of Matthew chapter six not to worry because we are not in control, but God is. So please think twice before you allow yourself to get drawn into a high strung debate, because it only serves as a negative witness of your faith and to the stereotype that Christians are too political. Allow love to dictate your words and not just your need to have your opinion win out as correct.